SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Revd Jonathan Aitken to be CIG’s Honorary Chaplain

Christians in Government (CIG) are delighted to announce that Reverend Jonathan Aitken is to be our Honorary Chaplain. Jonathan has been a good friend to CIG and is willing to make himself available to members of CIG who feel in need of pastoral support from a chaplain in spiritual or personal matters. The initial focus of his chaplaincy will be on supporting Senior Civil Servants but Jonathan will try to help any CIG member who would like to contact him. Jonathan can be reached on jonathanaitken@jwpaitken.co.uk

Revd Jonathan Aitken has said: “I am honoured and humbled by the challenge of becoming CIG’s first ever Honorary Chaplain. I believe that a Chaplain needs to be a good listener, a kind counsellor and a dedicated supporter in prayer for those seeking pastoral support. I hope I can live up to these ideals”.

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