Receive email updates

The best way of keeping updated about the latest news and events, whether a civil servant or not, is to receive our free weekly emails. You can also opt to receive more occasional emails about big events (usually once a month) and prayer emails (around three times per year).
Join network or group

Most activities take place within the Departmental/Agency Christian Networks. There are also some central groups which may interest you. If you work within UK national Government, do contact us for more details including how to join.
Upcoming events

Our variety of events include the Whitehall Carol and Easter Services, speaker events and prayer meetings. While the best way of finding out about these is by receiving our email updates, details are sometimes posted in our events calendar.

Opportunities/resources include weekly online and monthly Westminster in-person prayer meetings, the best way of finding out about which is via our weekly emails. There’s also a prayer guide and an occasional prayer (news and events) email.
Give financially

We currently receive no Central Government funding and rely on donations from friends. Please consider donating at least the equivalent of a cup of coffee each month.
Give your time

We need assistance from website development and communications to financial reporting, and from event planning to the worship team.